网站法律顾问金赛波律师 (SAIBO JIN, Attorney at Law of PRC)![]() 联系地址(Address):北京市朝阳区建外SOHO西区17号楼903室 邮政编码(Post Code):100022 电话(Tel):86-10-58697578 传真(Fax):86-10-58699098 电子邮件(Email) 北京市中伦金通律师事务所合伙人。法学博士。清华大学法学院研究生联合导师。主要办理国际货物买卖、国际贸易结算纠纷在中国法院和仲裁机构解决的案件,包括国际大宗货物买卖纠纷、贸易融资特别是信用证和独立保函纠纷案件。金律师还代理许多中国和外国的当事人处理国内和跨境金融担保交易纠纷案件,包括备用信用证、独立保函、见索即付保函、履约保函、预付款保函等在中国法院的诉讼案件;还被许多当事人或包括中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会和香港国际仲裁中心等在内的机构指定担任仲裁员就许多贸易、投资以及金融纠纷案件作出仲裁裁决。 金律师同时还担任如下许多专业机构领导工作:北京市律师协会商业银行委员会副主任,上海法学会银行和法律实务研究中心主任。中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁员,金融纠纷仲裁专业委员会副主任,协助该会起草和修改《金融纠纷仲裁规则》,并在该委员会第一宗适用《金融争议仲裁规则》案件中担任独任仲裁员。数次受最高人民法院邀请参与有关信用证司法解释《关于审理信用证纠纷案件若干问题的规定》修改的讨论,受邀为最高人民法院、北京市高级人民法院、上海市高级人民法院、广东省高级人民法院、内蒙古高级人民法院作信用证案例分析讲座,培训的法官超过500名。应最高人民法院、江苏省高级人民法院、福建省高级人民法院以及山西省高级人民法院要求,分别就国际贸易和融资案件出具专家意见,大部分意见被法院采纳。 Partner of Beijing Zhong Lun Law Firm. LL.M. and Ph.D. He has started practice in 1993, and his main areas of practice have been international transactions including sales of goods, letters of credit and other trade financing disputes settled before PRC courts or arbitration. Mr. Jin has been engaged in a great number of transactions concerning LC, independent guarantee, performance bond, advance payment bond and international collection. He has been appointed from time to time as arbitrator in arbitration cases relating to disputes in trade and investment in China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). Mr. Jin is the Vice Director of Commercial Banking Committee of Beijing Lawyers Association (BLA); Director of Research Center of Banking Law & Practices, Shanghai Law Society (SBL&P); Vice Chairman of CIETAC’s Special Arbitration Commission on Financing Disputes, assisting CIETAC in drafting Arbitration Rules on Financing Disputes, and was appointed as the sole arbitrator in the first arbitration case applying the said rules. He has also been invited by the PRC Supreme Court on discussing and modifying such judicial interpretation as Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Some Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases of Disputes over Letter of Credit.He is often invited to give lectures on Analysis of LC-related Cases to over 500 judges from PRC Supreme Court, Beijing High Court, Shanghai High Court, Guangdong High Court and Inner Mongolia High Court. Mr. Jin has presented respectively Expert Opinions on some LC-related or trade/financial-related cases as requested by the PRC Supreme Court, Jiangshu High Court, Fujian High Court and Shanxi High Court. |