Premier African Minerals:Gets Approval To Start RHA Tungsten Project

  • Wednesday, April 8, 2015

  • Keywords:W,tungsten,
[Fellow]Premier African Minerals Ltd on Tuesday said it has secured environmental approval for the RHA Tungsten Project inZimbabwe.

[] Premier African Minerals Ltd on Tuesday (Apr 8th) said it has secured environmental approval for the RHA Tungsten Project inZimbabwe.

Premier African said its Environmental Impact Assessment has been approved by the Environmental Management Agency of Zimbabwe and permission has been granted to operate the RHA Tungsten site.

"Our in-house team worked in close cooperation with EMA and the granting of this permission to operate on time and under budget further demonstrates the commitment of both the National Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Board, our partners in this project and the various departments of the Zimbabwe government to see RHA into production," said George Roach, Premier African's chief executive.

Shares in Premier African were up 14% to 1.569 pence on Tuesday (Apr 8th).

  • [Editor:Yueleilei]

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