Japanese Si Consumption Increases

  • Monday, October 31, 2011
  • Source:

  • Keywords:silicon metal
Japans silicon metal consumption for secondary aluminum alloy was 4,073 mt in September, up from 3,287 mt in August, and up from 3,870 mt in September 2010, according to Japan Aluminium Alloy Refiners Assn. This was the first time this year when the consumption exceeded 4,000 tons. The consumption for the first nine months of 2011 reached 30,923 mt, down 11.7% from 35,038 mt from the same 2010 period. Stocks at the end of September reached 2,614 mt, slightly down from 2,649 mt a month ago, but up from 2,253 mt a year earlier. 
  • [Editor:editor]

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