Chinese CaSi Market Stayed Calm Though Export Still Unavailable (Sept 21th—Sept 25th)

  • Monday, September 28, 2015

  • Keywords: CaSi market price producer export
[Fellow]The past week saw a stable CaSi market. Major CaSi producers in Shaanxi and Ningxia quoted CaSi30 ex-work price at RMB 9,000—9,100 per ton and CaSi28 RMB 8,800—8,900 per ton.

[] The past week saw a stable CaSi market. Major CaSi producers in Shaanxi and Ningxia quoted CaSi30 ex-work price at RMB 9,000—9,100 per ton and CaSi28 RMB 8,800—8,900 per ton.

Operation situation of major CaSi producers were as follows: Shananxi Shenghua Metallurgy ran 2 sets of 33000KWA furnaces and Shizuishan Ketong Metallurgy Industry& Trade ran 1 set of 15000KWA furnace and 2 sets of 30000KWA furnaces. Monthly output for the 2 totaled more than 5000 tons. Some middle-sized 8500KWA furnaces in Henan also ran at the moment with small output mainly for self-use.

Domestic market was mainly backed by old customers. As for export, opinions varied. A large Henan-based metal calcium producer said its products were exported through Shanghai Port. As an item similar to calcium which belongs to” hazardous article” category, whether CaSi products can find its channels for export became major concerns for producers. Unfortunately, after confirmation, export still unavailable now.


  • [Editor:Zhang Xing]

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