Tsingshan Group Increased its Tender Prices for HC FeCr Sharply in November

  • Monday, October 31, 2016
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:ferrochrome, ferrochrome tender price
[Fellow][Ferro-Alloys.com]Tsingshan Group raised its tender price for high-carbon ferrochrome sharply in November to rmb9495/mt 50% Cr basis, delivered VAT price by cash
[Ferro-Alloys.com]Tsingshan Group raised its tender price for high-carbon ferrochrome sharply in November to rmb9495/mt 50% Cr basis, delivered VAT price by cash, up rmb2500/mt 50% Cr basis, and the stainless steel mill will purchase 60000 tonnes of the ferroalloy in the month.


  • [Editor:sunzhichao]

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