Inner Mongolia Urat Rear County Shenyu Ferro-alloys Co., Ltd.

  • Monday, October 15, 2018

  • Keywords:Silicon Calcium Alloy
[Fellow]Inner Mongolia Shenyu Silicon Calcium Alloy is specialized in production of silicon calcium alloy.

Inner Mongolia Shenyu Silicon Calcium Alloy is specialized in production of silicon calcium alloy. With a 30,000 KVA submerged arc furnace, the company produces 26#, 28# and 30# silicon calcium alloy. With crushing devices, the company can process various particle sizes to meet the demands of various users. With a 33,000 KVA furnace, the company produces also produces silicon calcium alloy, silicon calcium powder Ca30Si60, Ca28Si60, 10-50mm, 0-1.6mm, 0-1.8mm and 0-2/3mm.


Contact: Xi Xiaodong

Tel: 13603505698 (WeChat)

  • [Editor:张德众]

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