Jiao Yun, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Baotailong: promoting the upgrading of coal based clean energy to achieve green, efficient and recyclable

  • Friday, March 5, 2021
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Jiangsu Yongjin,coal
[Fellow]The actual control Party of phase III project is Jiangsu Yongjin, which is planned to hold 51% - 70% of the total shares.
  The actual control Party of phase III project is Jiangsu Yongjin, which is planned to hold 51% - 70% of the total shares. The company that has high market brand influence and advanced technology in domestic steel pipe industry is introduced as the partner, with an annual output of 100000 tons of stainless steel pipe and accessories project, filling in the gap between domestic precision stainless steel production and the usage of related industries.
  Jiao Yun, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of baotailong: promoting the upgrading of coal based clean energy to achieve green, efficient and recyclable.
  According to Shanghai Securities News, in the face of the big trend of green development, not only the enterprises in the new energy field are booming, but also the enterprises in the traditional energy field are seeking new changes. At the two sessions of this year, Jiaoyun, the representative of the National People's Congress and chairman of baotailong, will focus on the clean and efficient utilization of coal, put forward suggestions for implementing the large cycle of hydrocarbon industry, helping the coal-based chemical industry "carbon neutralization", vigorously developing coal to ethanol, and helping the green and low carbon development.
  The significance of carbon dioxide recycling
  "The global energy industry is experiencing the" third energy reform "in the direction of low-carbon, no carbonization and low pollution. The recovery and effective utilization of carbon dioxide are the research hotspot in the world today, and it is also the top priority to accelerate the realization of carbon neutralization in China Referring to low carbon development, Jiao Yun said that, taking advantage of the advantages of wind, light and water and other renewable resources in the western and northeast areas of China, combined with the mature and reliable high-end technologies for carbon dioxide capture, recovery and effective utilization to realize industrialization, especially coal based chemical carbon neutralization technology, will greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and further reach China Carbon neutralization plays a leading role in demonstration.
  Jiaoyun said baotelong is currently carrying out the transformation from coal chemical industry to new materials, promoting new material industry projects such as graphene, mesophase carbon microspheres, needle coke, etc., and upgrading the products from traditional coal chemical industry to coal-based clean energy, and promoting the implementation of stable light hydrocarbon projects and aromatics projects. In the field of carbon neutralization, baotelon is promoting the "hydrocarbon common rail large cycle strategy", and using patented technology to promote the realization of "carbon peak and carbon neutralization" in some areas, and further upgrade to green, efficient and recyclable coal-based clean energy.
  Explore carbon neutralization support policies
  For the development of the whole carbon neutralization industry, Jiao Yun said that the capture, recovery and utilization of carbon dioxide is just emerging, with a large investment amount and certain risks. Most enterprises are in the process of planning. In order to further promote the realization of carbon neutralization in some areas, the state should support enterprises that recycle and utilize carbon dioxide, give policy support and promote "coal chemical industry" ”The industry achieves carbon neutralization.
  In this regard, Jiao Yun suggested that financial institutions such as banks should strengthen support for related projects of such enterprises, and give policy inclinations in terms of loan restrictions and debt issuance evaluation, which will be conducive to accelerating the implementation of the project demonstration by such enterprises. At the same time, it is suggested that the relevant departments of the state give certain subsidies for carbon recovery funds to such enterprises, so as to promote the enterprises to have certain economic benefits and realize sustainable development.
  In addition, Jiao Yun also suggested that relevant departments of the state should include the western coal chemical industry gathering places in Northern Shaanxi and West Mongolia as key development areas, and vigorously promote the implementation of such demonstration projects. The northeast region, which mainly uses coal-fired power generation, is listed as the key development area. If carbon dioxide of coal-fired power plants in this area is recycled and effectively utilized, it will also have certain economic benefits under the encouragement of national subsidy policy, and further promote the deep transformation and development of the old industrial base in Northeast China.
  It is suggested that "coal to ethanol" be developed vigorously
  In addition to the field of active carbon neutralization, Jiao Yun said that the ethanol preparation field should also vigorously promote "coal to alcohol", so as to ensure the food security of China.
  The main way of ethanol production is grain ethanol. With the adjustment of energy structure, the demand for ethanol will increase in the future, and the existing "grain alcohol" approach is not enough to meet the actual needs of the people, Jiaoyun said. Advocating coal to alcohol instead of grain alcohol can not only help to keep the national "rice bowl", but also help to keep the national "oil tank", achieve both of them, and play an important role in ensuring the national food security and energy security.
  On the technical level, Jiao Yun said that at present, the technology of coal to ethanol has been mature and stable, and has reached the commercial operation standard. The coupling development of new coal ethanol technology and renewable energy has realized clean, efficient and recycling and "zero emission" of carbon.
  And coal to ethanol will bring good social benefits. Jiao Yun said that the carbon dioxide generated in the production of coal to ethanol is recycled, and the green hydrogen produced by local and renewable energy such as wind and light is recycled to ethanol and other chemicals again. It not only realizes the "zero emission" of carbon from coal to ethanol, but also realizes the high-efficiency cycle development of coal to ethanol, and further promotes the "peak carbon and carbon neutralization" of coal chemical projects.
  In this regard, Jiao Yun proposes that, under the premise of the big strategy of safeguarding national food security and energy security, in order to promote the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient national energy system, it not only needs the joint efforts of all relevant industries to break down barriers, but also need the active support of governments at all levels. It is suggested that the relevant departments of the state should include the coal ethanol project in the national industrial policy development catalogue, and give policy inclinations to realize the regional low-carbon clean energy supply system according to local conditions.
  • [Editor:Catherine Ren]

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