ArcelorMittal announced that it has achieved ResponsibleSteel site certification in Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg. The company’s steelmaking sites at Geel, Genk, Gent and Liège in Belgium, Belval, Differdange and Rodange in Luxembourg and Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt in Germany have been independently audited and found to meet the standards required for ResponsibleSteel, the industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standard and certification initiative. The ResponsibleSteel audit process enables each site to prove that its production processes meet rigorously defined standards across a broad range of social, environmental and governance criteria including
? Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions
? Water stewardship and biodiversity
? Human rights and labour rights
? Community relations and business integrity
The standard is based on 12 principles with a variety of criteria and underlying requirements. To be awarded with ResponsibleSteel certification, each site has to undergo a detailed third-party audit, with an independent Certification Committee making the final certification decision. ArcelorMittal worked with international auditor AFNOR and its German subsidiary GUTcert, both specialist companies providing certification and assessment services.
ArcelorMittal Europe Long Products is also targeting ResponsibleSteel certification, at more of its sites during 2022.
After the initial phase in Europe, further ArcelorMittal sites around the world will be part of the programme.
In 2021, ResponsibleSteel will launch a standard for the certification of steel products, which will include stringent requirements for raw materials supply chain. ArcelorMittal will continue to play an active role in developing this aspect of the programme.
source:SteelGuru Business News
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