China manganese ore imports in Jan-Aug 2021 by country/region

  • Sunday, September 26, 2021

  • Keywords:manganese ore, imports
[Fellow]China manganese ore imports in Jan-Aug 2021 by country/region.


Source: China Customs

Parters Quantity (tons) Quantity Proportion US dollars 
South Africa 9796313.871 47.0834% 1,438,036,208
Australia 3493487.553 16.7905% 714,947,296
Gabon 2909292.405 13.9827% 547,877,928
Ghana 1776553.9 8.5385% 183,105,861
Brazil 1174890.096 5.6468% 173,912,157
Cote d'Ivoire 523164.243 2.5145% 75,754,651
Myanmar 487664.247 2.3438% 53,706,631
Malaysia 331226.527 1.5920% 30,210,621
Zambia 72314.527 0.3476% 15,165,714
Kenya 57205.484 0.2749% 5,207,042
Kazakhstan 41030.6 0.1972% 2,828,154
Angola 36993.417 0.1778% 8,924,300
Nigeria 27726.293 0.1333% 2,559,937
Mali 25027.648 0.1203% 4,913,311
Namibia 19424.755 0.0934% 2,190,861
Morocco 10722.796 0.0515% 1,805,142
Turkey 9001.175 0.0433% 1,201,562
Senegal 7346.677 0.0353% 1,624,645
Oman 2077.479 0.0100% 124,295
Thailand 1987.2 0.0096% 178,848
Pakistan 1768.886 0.0085% 167,899
Madagascar 492.94 0.0024% 97,776
Korea 286.7 0.0014% 25,620
Chile 227.837 0.0011% 34,753
Netherlands 44.8 0.0002% 31,735
Zimbabwe 23.132 0.0001% 3,034
Czech Republic 7.2 0.0000% 15,798
Guyana 0.12 0.0000% 3,681
Argentina 0.025 0.0000% 1,554
Plurinational state of Bolivia 0.001 0.0000% 174
India 0 0.0000% 24
Total 20806302.53 100.0000% 3,264,657,212


  • [Editor:kangmingfei]

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