Chromium Products Tender Information in January, 2022 (1/14/2022)

  • Friday, January 14, 2022

  • Keywords:Chromium Products Tender
[Fellow]Chromium Products Tender Information in January, 2022 (1/14/2022).


Steel mills


Price (RMB/MT)

Month on month



High carbon ferrochromium

8195 CNY / Cr 50 Basis



A local steel mill in East China

High carbon ferrochromium

8570 CNY / Cr 50 Basis


2600 tons

Shagang Group

High carbon ferrochromium

8900/9000 CNY / Cr 52 Basis


1500 tons

Xiangtan Iron & Steel

High carbon ferrochromium

8800 CNY / Cr 50 Basis


1400 tons

Bao Steel

High carbon ferrochromium



(BG-LTiFeCr68)900 tons


High carbon ferrochromium



120 tons

Shougang Changzhi Steel & Iron

High carbon ferrochromium

9190 CNY / Cr 50 Basis


33 tons


Medium carbon ferrochromium

10160 CNY / Cr 50 Basis


C2.0 (10-40mm) 120 tons

A local steel mill in East China

Low carbon ferrochromium

13890 CNY / Cr 60 Basis


C.50, 2300 tons

HBIS Group

Low carbon ferrochromium



1300 tons

Xiangtan Iron & Steel

Low carbon ferrochromium

12100 CNY / Cr 50 Basis


C0.50 1000 tons

Bao Steel

Micro carbon ferrochromium



(FeCr69C0.06Ca0.01)2000 tons

Jiuquan stainless steel

Micro carbon ferrochromium



V6 330 tons

Wuhan Iron & Steel

Micro carbon ferrochromium



C0.06(Ⅱ) 120 tons



  • [Editor:kangmingfei]

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