MIIT Issued the Third List of Manufacturers with Backward Capacity to Be Eliminated

  • Saturday, December 14, 2013
  • Source:ferro-alloys

  • Keywords:capacity,backward
[Fellow][Ferro-alloys.com] On Sep.16th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) released the third list of manufacturers with backward capacity to be eliminated. 58 enterprises and 14 industries were involved
[Ferro-alloys.com] On Sep.16th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) released the third list of manufacturers with backward capacity to be eliminated. 58 enterprises and 14 industries were involved. MIIT required all backward capacity be removed completely before December and it was not allowed to transfer them to other regions.
Specific tasks of this round of capacity elimination were : steelmaking 0.5 million mt, coke 0.6 ml mt, ferroalloys 5,000 mt, calcium carbide 0.17 ml mt, copper smelting 24,700 mt, lead smelting 25,000 mt, cement 1.48 ml mt, alcohol 30,000 mt, monosodium glutamate 41,000 mt and chemical fiber 10,000 mt. They added up to 2.8857 ml mt.
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