Production and inventory of steel enterprises in late December 2020

Production and inventory of steel enterprises in late December 2020

  • 2021年01月07日 16:02
  • 来源:中国铁合金网

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  • 关键字:iron and steel,pig iron,steel,coke,crude steel
[导读]Production and inventory of steel enterprises in late December 2020
In late December 2020, the key statistics of iron and steel enterprises produced a total of 23.7916 million tons of crude steel, 2078.80 million tons of pig iron, 2461.61 million tons of steel, 366.71 million tons of coke. The average daily output of crude steel in this decade was 2.1629 million tons, down 1.76% from the previous month and up 14.87% from the same period last year; 1.8898 million tons of iron, down  2.34% from the previous month and up 12.49% from the same period last year; 2.2378 million tons of steel, up 4.74% from the previous month and 16.50% from the same period last year. 
In this month, the key statistics of iron and steel enterprises cumulative average daily output was 2.1961 million tons of crude steel, up 3.62% from the previous month and 13.88% from the same period last year; 1.9247 million tons of pig iron, up 2.88% from the previous month and 11.81% from the same period last year; 2.1586 million tons of steel, up 4.30% from the previous month and 14.34% from the same period last year. 
According to the key statistics of iron and steel production estimates, the total production of crude steel is 31.5411 million tons, with a daily output of 2.8674 million tons, down 1.35% over the previous month, and an increase of 12.30% over the previous year; 25.9759 million tons of pig iron, with a daily output of 2.3614 million tons, down 1.89% over the previous month, and an increase of 13.30% over the previous year; 41.7848 million tons of steel, with a daily output of 3.7986 million tons, a decrease of 0.78% over the previous month, and an increase of 14.10% over the previous year; Average daily output this month, the countrywide crude steel fell 1.09% from a month earlier and up 11.02% from the previous year; pig iron fell 0.58% from the previous month and up 12.35% from the previous year; steel fell 1.90% from the previous year, up 15.72% from the previous year. 
In this ten days, the steel inventory of iron and steel enterprises was 11.6211 million tons ,1.4294 million tons less than the previous ten days, down 10.95%, and 2.0886 million tons more than the beginning of the year (the same period last year), an increase of 21.91%.
  • [责任编辑:wenxin]


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